How to properly maintain your bonsai?

Discover the secrets of successful maintenance for your bonsai! Learn the essential techniques to ensure the health and beauty of your precious plant creations.

The different types of bonsai

discover all the secrets to taking care of your bonsai with our practical advice and care and maintenance tips.

Outdoor Bonsai:

Outdoor bonsai are adapted to outdoor climatic conditions and can be divided into several categories: conifers, deciduous trees and flowering trees. Among the conifers, we find pine, cypress and even juniper. As for hardwoods, fig, maple or boxwood are common examples. Flowering bonsai include cherry, azalea or bougainvillea.

Indoor Bonsai:

Indoor bonsai bring a touch of greenery to our interior spaces. Among the most popular are ficus, serissa, carmona or zelkova. These miniature trees require sufficient light and regular watering to fully flourish.

Fruit Bonsai:

Fruit bonsai offer the possibility of growing your own fruit in miniature. Citrus fruits such as lemon, orange or kumquat are very popular. Fruit bonsai require specific care to ensure optimal fruiting.

Collectible Bonsai:

Collectible bonsai bring together rare and precious species, often several dozen or even hundreds of years old. These unique pieces are the result of meticulous maintenance work and represent a real treasure for enthusiasts of bonsai art.

Fluorescent Indoor Bonsai Trees:

Fluorescent indoor bonsai are miniature trees grown to glow in the dark. Thanks to a special treatment, these bonsai emit a soft and soothing glow after dark, creating a zen and magical atmosphere.

Artificial Bonsai Trees:

Artificial bonsai are faithful reproductions of miniature trees, designed to decorate a space without requiring special maintenance. Made of plastic, silk or synthetic materials, these bonsai offer a practical solution for lovers of aesthetics without constraints.

The diversity of bonsai types offers a range of possibilities for bonsai art enthusiasts. Whether you prefer outdoor, indoor, fruit, collectible, fluorescent or artificial bonsai, there is something for all tastes and desires. Each type of bonsai has its own characteristics and requirements, allowing everyone to find the miniature tree that will match their expectations and lifestyle.

Choosing the right location for your bonsai

discover all our tips for taking care of your bonsai and keeping it in good health thanks to our complete guide to bonsai care.

The location of a bonsai is crucial to ensure its growth and health. Here are some tips for choosing where to place your miniature tree.

The light

Bonsai trees need light to photosynthesize, but direct exposure to sunlight can sometimes be harmful. Opt for a bright location, but without direct sunlight during the hottest hours of the day.


Bonsai trees appreciate a certain ambient humidity. Avoid places that are too dry or too humid. Spraying water regularly around the bonsai and placing a tray of water under the pot can help maintain good humidity levels.


Bonsai trees are generally suited to a specific temperature range. Make sure the location you choose is neither too hot nor too cold for the species of bonsai you are growing. Avoid cold or hot drafts that could stress the tree.


Make sure your bonsai has enough space to grow. Avoid placing your bonsai too close to other plants to avoid root competition. Give your miniature tree the space it needs to flourish and develop harmoniously.


Choose a place where you can admire your bonsai regularly. Gazing at this miniature tree can be calming and enriching. Find a place that will allow you to appreciate the beauty and serenity that your bonsai exudes.

By following these tips and observing the specific needs of your bonsai, you will be able to choose the ideal location to encourage its growth and flourishing. Take the time to observe your tree and adjust its location if necessary to provide it with the best conditions for development.

The frequency and amount of watering

discover the essentials of bonsai maintenance and learn how to care for these miniature trees with our practical tips and tricks.

Bonsai and Sensitivity to Watering

The success of growing a bonsai lies largely in proper watering management. Indeed, this essential aspect requires special attention and regular practice to guarantee the health and well-being of the miniature tree.

Bonsai Water Requirements

Each species of bonsai has specific water needs that are important to know in order to adjust watering appropriately. Deciduous trees, for example, generally require more water than evergreen bonsai. It is essential to learn about the specific needs of your bonsai to avoid any excess or lack of watering.

Watering Frequency

Watering frequency varies depending on different factors such as pot size, season, location of the tree, growth stage, and of course the specifics of the bonsai species. It is recommended to regularly check the humidity of the substrate by inserting a finger into the soil to feel if it is dry on the surface or deep down. This practical check allows you to best adapt the watering frequency.

Water Quality

The water used for watering plays a crucial role in the health of the bonsai. It is preferable to use non-calcareous water at room temperature to avoid any thermal shock to the plant. Additionally, rainwater is often recommended for its low mineral content and its gentleness on the bonsai’s roots.

Watering Technique

A proper watering technique is to water the bonsai thoroughly until water flows through the drainage holes of the pot, ensuring complete hydration of the substrate and roots. It is essential to avoid watering too lightly which could leave dry areas and compromise the health of the tree.

Signs of Excess or Lack of Water

Carefully observing your bonsai is essential to detect any signs of excess or lack of water. Wilted, yellowed or drooping leaves may indicate overwatering, while dry, wrinkled leaves or exposed roots may indicate underwatering. Being attentive to the reactions of your bonsai allows you to quickly adjust watering practices.

In summary, optimal watering management is a fundamental pillar in the cultivation of bonsai. By understanding and carefully applying the principles of watering adapted to each specificity, bonsai enthusiasts will be able to promote the growth, health and beauty of their miniature trees, thus creating an environment conducive to balance and well-being of these true living works of art.

Pruning and fertilizing bonsai

Bonsai pruning course

Pruning bonsai is an essential practice for maintaining their shape and health. Here are some basic principles to follow:
– Structural pruning: it aims to give the bonsai its general shape by pruning the main branches.
– Maintenance pruning: this consists of eliminating disordered shoots to maintain the harmony of the tree.
– Refreshing pruning: it rejuvenates the tree by eliminating dead wood or weakened parts.

Bonsai fertilization techniques

Fertilization is crucial to ensure the health and vigor of bonsai trees. Here are some tips to follow:
– Use a balanced fertilizer adapted to the needs of the bonsai.
– Fertilize sparingly so as not to burn the roots.
– Alternate fertilization periods to respect the tree’s growth cycle.
– Make sure to water properly so that the bonsai can absorb nutrients.

Practical tips for caring for bonsai

To ensure successful bonsai pruning and fertilization, here are some additional tips:
– Monitor the condition of the tree regularly for signs of disease or stress.
– Adapt the frequency of pruning and fertilization according to the specific needs of each bonsai.
– Respect the seasons to intervene at the right time and promote the harmonious growth of the tree.
– Take the time to observe and listen to the bonsai to better understand its needs and adapt the care accordingly.

By carefully following these tips and practicing bonsai pruning and fertilizing regularly, you will be able to maintain the beauty and vitality of your miniature trees to take full advantage of in your bonsai art practice.

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