découvrez tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur le bonsaï figuier (ficus) : conseils d'entretien, astuces pour l'arrosage, techniques de taille et fourchette de prix. apprenez à sublimer votre bonsaï et à en prendre soin comme un expert.

Bonsai Fig Tree (Ficus): maintenance, price, watering, pruning


  • Interview : Essential methods for maintaining bonsai health.
  • Price : Price range to acquire a fig bonsai.
  • Watering : Frequency and quantity of water required.
  • Size : Pruning techniques for a harmonious shape.
  • Light conditions : Lighting requirements for bonsai.

discover everything you need to know about the fig bonsai (ficus): maintenance tips, watering tips, pruning techniques and price evaluation. learn how to grow this magnificent bonsai and keep it in perfect health.

In the soothing world of bonsai, the Ficus stands like a living poem, an artist of nature who invites you to a delicate dance between care and patience. This small miniature fig tree, with glossy leaves and elegant branches, requires special attention to flourish. Every gesture, every drop of water, every size is a note in a carefully orchestrated symphony. Let’s discover together the mysteries of its maintenance, its watering requirements, the right price for its beauty, and the actions conducive to its size, in order to cultivate harmony and serenity in the heart of our interiors.

Bonsai Fig Tree

discover everything you need to know about the fig bonsai (ficus): care tips, prices, watering and pruning techniques to ensure the health and beauty of your plant. complete guide for bonsai enthusiasts.

THE Fig bonsai, a miniature wonder of nature, captivates with its beauty and grace. This ancestral art of gardening, anchored in Asian culture, finds a refined expression in the Ficus. The delicacy of its leaves and the flexibility of its branches make it an ideal companion for those who wish to merge nature and aesthetics. This article will guide you through the intricacies of its maintenance, the prices for welcoming such a treasure into your home, the secrets of proper watering and pruning techniques to bring your bonsai to life.

Ficus care

discover everything you need to know about the fig bonsai (ficus): maintenance tips, prices, watering tips and pruning techniques. learn how to cultivate this iconic plant and make it a real plant art at home.

Careful maintenance is essential to preserve the health and beauty of your Fig bonsai. This small tree requires special attention which begins with understanding its needs.


To thrive, Ficus requires a perfect balance of light and heat. Place it near a window with indirect light, as too much direct sunlight can burn its beautiful leaves. The ideal temperature is between 15 and 25°C, a comfort zone which will promote its development.

Substrate and pot

The choice of a suitable substrate is crucial for bonsai. A well-draining mixture, composed of potting soil, sand and perlite, will promote root health. The pot must be adapted to the size of your bonsai, with drainage holes to avoid accumulation of water, a source of disease.

Bonsai Fig Tree Price

Acquire a Fig bonsai is an investment that reflects the beauty and expertise of the art of bonsai. Prices may vary depending on several factors.

Influential factors

The size, age and shape of the tree play a determining role in its price. A small bonsai, young and simple, can start at around 30 euros, while an aged specimen with a beautiful structure can reach several hundred euros, or even more depending on its character and aesthetics.

Buy a bonsai

It is best to buy your bonsai from a specialist nursery, where experts will advise you and assure you of the quality of your plant. Favoring direct purchases allows you to better assess the health condition of the tree and obtain personalized advice.

Criteria Description
Interview Easy, requires regular cleaning of leaves.
Price Between 20 and 150 euros depending on size and variety.
Watering Moderate, every 7 to 14 days, let the potting soil dry.
Size To be carried out in spring to shape the foliage.
Light Need bright indirect light, avoid full sun.
Temperature Between 18 and 24°C, avoid cold drafts.
  • Interview : Indirect light, temperature between 15-25°C, regular fertilization in spring.
  • Price : Varies from 30 to 150 euros depending on size and age.
  • Watering: Moderate humidity, water when the soil is dry on the surface.
  • Size : Practice in spring, encourages branching and density.

Watering the Ficus

The art of watering is a true balance between necessity and delicacy for the Fig bonsai. Good practice of this essential step guarantees the vitality of your tree.


Regular watering is necessary, but excess watering can be fatal. In general, weekly watering is recommended, although this varies depending on the type of substrate and environment. The substrate should be slightly dry on the surface, but never completely dried out.

Watering techniques

Use a watering can with a fine spout to direct the water directly onto the substrate, avoiding wetting the leaves. Saucer watering can also be a good method, allowing the tree to absorb water as needed.

Bonsai pruning

Pruning is a fundamental aspect of the maintenance of the Fig bonsai. It is thanks to it that the tree takes its shape, while remaining healthy.

Pruning period

Pruning should be done mainly in spring, when the plant wakes up after winter. Regular pruning helps control the size and shape of the tree while encouraging new leaf growth.

Pruning technique

Use clean, sharp tools to avoid damaging branches. Start by removing dead or diseased branches, then reduce the length of the branches to give a harmonious shape. Remember to cut just above a bud to encourage new growth.

Importance of regular size

Regular sizing is more than just aesthetics; it also helps strengthen the structure of your bonsai and promote air circulation, thus reducing the risk of disease.

Common problems and solutions

During its breeding, your Fig bonsai may encounter some problems. It is essential to know how to identify them and act quickly.

Yellowing leaves

Yellowing leaves may indicate overwatering. Check soil moisture and adjust your watering frequency. On the other hand, prolonged drought can also cause this phenomenon. In this case, make sure to hydrate it properly.

Branches losing their leaves

If your bonsai loses its leaves, it could be the result of environmental stress. Make sure that its location has not been suddenly changed and that the light received is adequate.


Pests, such as mealybugs or spider mites, can also affect the health of your tree. Natural treatments, such as neem oil, are effective in preventing these nuisances without harming the tree.

Conclusion of the art of bonsai

THE Fig bonsai is much more than just a plant; it is a journey between art, patience and passion. By caring for it, understanding its needs, and pruning, we build a lasting relationship with this living being. Each root, each leaf reminds us that beauty lies in harmony and serenity.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fig Bonsai (Ficus)

A: A fig bonsai tree requires regular maintenance, including cleaning the leaves, checking soil moisture and repotting every two years.

A: The price of a fig bonsai tree can vary between 30 and 100 euros, depending on its age, size and general appearance.

A: It is advisable to water a fig bonsai when the soil surface is dry, generally once a week, but this can vary depending on climatic conditions.

A: Pruning a fig bonsai must be done regularly to maintain its shape. Use clean scissors to cut new growth and shape the tree.

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